
39. 员工身份证号码和进厂时间的汇总记录 Records of ID Number and Entry Date of Employees
40. 人事招聘和薪资政策 Personnel Recruitment and Compensation Policy
41. 保护员工免受歧视和骚扰,以及允许工人自由结社的书面声明/ 政策 Discrimination, Harassment, and Freedom of Association Policies
42. 员工投诉处理流程 Dispute Resolution Procedure
43. 不使用狱工,抵押劳工,禁锢劳工,以及不强迫用工的政策 A Policy to Ensure They Do Not Use Involuntary, Prison, Bonded or Indentured Labor

44. 急救箱检查和维护程序 First Aid Kit Inspection and Maintenance Program
45. 洗眼器和紧急喷淋装置的检查记录 Maintenance Records for Eye Wash and Emergency Showers
46. 机器的常规维护记录 Machine Maintenance Record
47. 关于危废管理的培训记录 Training Record on Hazardous Waste Management
48. 管理、储存和运输危废的程序Inventory Management, Storage, and Transportation for Hazardous Waste Procedure
49. 机器挂牌上锁程序,以及挂牌上锁的培训 LOTO Procedure and LOTO Training Records
50. 急救人员急救技巧以及血液安全的培训记录(如适用) Training Record on First Aid Techniques and Blood Borne Pathogens Safety
51. 医疗废弃物的转移联单(如适用)Medical Waste Manifests
52. 饮用水的检测报告(如适用)Laboratory Safety Test Data on Drinking Water
53. 工厂所在地最低工资标准的文件 Local Government’s Document on Local Minimum Wage
54. 工厂关于计件工资的政策(如适用)Piece Based Wage Policy
55. 员工的工作合同 Employment Contracts

56. 过去一年的工人的薪资表 Payroll Records at a minimum of one year
57. 过去一年的工人的考勤记录 Time Records at a minimum of one year
58. 过去一年用于发工资的银行对帐单 Bank Statement for Employee’s Salary
59. 实习生使用情况记录 Intern Service Conditions
60. 设备和生产工艺变化后的培训流程和培训纪录 Training Update Process (for changes of the facility and production proc ess) & Training records
61. 化学品清单及主要化学品使用量或存储量(列明所有使用、储存、处理或生产的化学品)An inventory of chemical used, stored, processed or manufactured, and the consumption or storage amount of major chemicals