
我们要求我司的产品制造商不雇佣任何低于其所在国家规定的最低工作年龄的工人.童工是指任何低于15岁或更低年龄的工 人(如果当地国家和地区规定法定的工作年龄低于15岁的话) . 如果当地国家和地区规定法定的工作年龄严于15岁, 我们要求按其中严的标准执行. 必须保存每位工人的与年龄和出生年月相关的官方文件资料.
Forced Labor 强迫劳工
We expect our Merchandise Manufacturers to not use forced or involuntary labor in which a worker does not voluntarily offer himself or herself. This includes all manner of involuntary work such as bonded, prison and indentured.
我们要求产品制造商不使用强迫劳工和非自愿劳工, 包括所有非自愿工作行为如契约工,囚工, 奴役工.
Wages and benefits 工资和福利
We expect our Merchandise Manufacturers to compensate their employees fairly and competitively relative to their industry in full compliance with applicable local and national wage and hour laws and to offer opportunities for employees to develop their skills and capabilities. This includes applicable laws regarding minimum wage, overtime, hourly or by piece rate. The Merchandise Manufacturer shall provide legally mandated benefits as stated in the local or national law.
我们要求产品制造商在行业的竞争中公平支付他们雇员的薪酬, 并必须和当地与工资/工时相关的法律法规完全相符, 从而提供平等的机会以发挥/发展员工的技能. 产品制造商必须提供当地法定要求的各种福利.

Working hours 工作时间
The Merchandise Manufacturers shall not require workers to work more than 48 hours per week and 12 hours overtime or 60 hours per week. The requirement also includes any established working hours regulations set forth by local or national law. In addition, manufacturer must guarantee that workers will receive at least one day off in every seven-day period.
产品制造商不能要求工人正常工作超过48小时/周, 加班超12小时/周或总工时超60小时/周. 同时还包括当地法律法规所设定的工时要求. 另外, 产品制造商必须保证工人每7天至少休息1天.
Collective Bargaining 劳资谈判
In the event employees have lawfully chosen to be represented by third parties, we expect our Merchandise Manufacturers to bargain in good faith and not to retaliate against employees for their lawful participation in labor organization.
在任何事件中雇员都有依照法律选择第三方以替代他们和产品制造商协商谈判的权利. 我们期望产品制造商按承诺协商谈判, 同时保证雇员不会因他们依法参与劳工组织而受到报复.
Environmental practices 环境保护
We expect our Merchandise Manufactures to conduct business in ways that protect and preserve the environment. At a minimum, we expect our suppliers to meet applicable environmental laws, rules and regulations in their operations in the countries in which they do business. Apply to all Merchandise Manufacturers including all subcontractors/sub-manufacturers utilizing our trademarks. TCCC’s Code applies to all subcontractors/ sub-manufacturers at all tiers of the relationship (e.g. sub of sub or sub of sub) utilizing our trademarks. These subcontractors/ sub-manufacturers at all tiers are collectively deemed to be Merchandise Manufacturers.
我们期望产品制造商以环保的方式进行业务经营. 至少我们期望我们的供应商能遵守当地相关的环保法律法规要求. 产品制造商包括使用我们的商标的分包商/分包厂. TCCC的行为准则适用于所有使用我们的商标的处于不同层次关系的分包商/分包厂(如分包的分包间). 所有这些处于不同层次关系的分包商/分包厂统称产品制造商
Monitoring Compliance and Authorization监督与权限
Merchandise Manufacturers shall designate one or more of its management to monitor factory compliance with standards set forth herein. Merchandise Manufactures shall use one of TCCC approved firms that specializes in social compliance. Each Merchandise Manufacturer must conduct such compliance monitoring on an annual basis and must submit such verification of compliance to TCCC. Merchandise Manufacturers will authorize TCCC designated agents to engage in factory audits to confirm compliance. These visits will include unannounced on-site inspections of manufacturing facilities; a review of all employee related books; and private interviews with employees. Any Merchandise Manufacturer who does not comply with TCCC’s Code standards or refuses to allow inspection is subject to immediate termination by TCCC. In order to be authorized to use our trademarks each Merchandise Manufacturer must provide TCCC with a copy of a passing social compliance inspection within one year of the date of initial authorization. This must be provided annually from the date of the passing inspection used for the authorization. TCCC must have the right to verify the copy with the inspecting company.
