验厂服务价格优惠,Metro Code of Conduct(BSCI)验厂咨询

All suppliers are obliged to take the measures necessary to implement and monitor the BSCI Code of Conduct:
Management Responsibilities:
by informing management and suppliers about the content of the BSCI Code of Conduct.
by establishing where responsibility lies within the company’s organisation regarding all BSCI Code of Conduct issues.
by appointing one or more management employees to be responsible for implementation of the BSCI Code of Conduct.
by monitoring company compliance with the BSCI Code of Conduct and implementing necessary changes at its facilities.
Employee Awareness:
by giving a statement of their support for the principles of the BSCI Code of Conduct to their employees and by informing and instructing their employees and those of their subcontractors regarding the contents of the BSCI Code of Conduct. The company must have the BSCI Code of Conduct translated in its entirety into the appropriate local language(s) and have it displayed in a prominent position at its facility and other premises. Employees must also receive verbal orientation and information regarding the Code of Conduct in a language they understand.
by regularly training employees in workplace safety and on the impact of their activity on society and the environment.
by keeping records of the names, ages, working hours and the wages paid to all employees and making these documents available to BSCI auditors on request.
by documenting the location of dangerous materials and other potential hazards
by monitoring and maintaining safety equipment and materials
by keeping up to date documentation regarding relevant statutory requirements and regulations.
Complaints and Corrective Action:
by appointing an employee responsible for handling complaints related to BSCI issues.
by documenting and investigating complaints from employees or third parties related to BSCI issues, and reporting on their substance and any necessary corrective measures arising from them.
by making the resources available to implement necessary corrective measures.
by refraining from dismissals or other disciplinary measures against employees who pass on information regarding compliance with the BSCI Code of Conduct.
Suppliers and Sub-Contractors:
by making the introduction of social standards and compliance with the BSCI Code of Conduct a condition of all contracts into which it enters with suppliers.
by asking suppliers to report regularly about their progress in implementing the BSCI Code of Conduct.
by providing BSCI Members with relevant information about their activities and all production sites.
by allowing audits of their business premises and activities and those of their subcontractors to be carried out at any time with or without prior notice by organisations acting on behalf of BSCI members.
Consequences of Non-Compliance
If a supplier fails to meet the requirements of the BSCI Code of Conduct, and if no solutions can be agreed upon and implemented within a reasonable amount of time, a BSCI member may choose to halt current production, cancel corresponding contracts, suspend future contracts and/or terminate the business relationship with the non-conforming supplier. If an audit reveals less than full compliance with the BSCI Code of Conduct, the supplier must take the prescribed corrective actions without delay. The period of time the supplier has to implement these corrective measures will be agreed upon with the auditors, but may not exceed twelve months. If a supplier excluded in the past on grounds of non-compliance shows later that it can comply fully with the BSCI Code of Conduct, there is, in principle, no reason why a business relationship cannot be resumed.
验厂服务价格优惠,Metro Code of Conduct(BSCI)验厂咨询